3 Helpful Tips When Purchasing Locks For Commercial Doors

3 Helpful Tips When Purchasing Locks For Commercial Doors

18 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

There is a lot of different types of commercial door hardware you can purchase today for your building, but locks are some of the most important components. If you're looking for some, these tips can help you figure out what will be best long-term. 

Assess ANSI Grade

If you want to feel confident about your commercial door locks' ability to provide security to your building, then you need to assess their ANSI (American National Standards Institute) grade. This is used to determine how easy it is for the lock to be manipulated and bypassed.

Grade 1 is the highest level you can get as far as door security, and that's something you'll want to actively seek for your commercial door locks. You may have to pay more for this added durability and security, but you'll have a more secure building that will be needed for adverse situations. 

Consider a Smart Design

Locks for commercial properties today have advanced so much. Now you can get smart commercial locks, and they come with a lot of benefits that are worth considering. 

First and foremost, you won't have to use keys to open them. All you have to do is typically enter a code on a numerical keypad. You can give this unique sequence of numbers to select people within your company, which enhances security for certain areas of your building.

Some smart locks even have remote control capabilities, which allow you to disengage or engage the locks with the press of a button on your phone.

Protect Them With Warranties

No matter what locks you end up choosing for your commercial building, you'll probably want to protect them if repairs are necessary. That's where lock warranties can help.

They will cover the costs of repairs and even replacements if they're necessary within a certain period of time. You can then worry less about your new locks' condition and performance for a while.

Just keep in mind that the longer the warranty is, the more you'll pay. Also make sure you get proof of this warranty so that you can have the repair or replacement easily processed if it's necessary. 

If you own a commercial building, it's your job to beef up its security in any way possible. An effective solution is upgrading the current commercial locks. Choosing a new set won't be challenging if you pay careful attention to the right specs. Ultimately, go with locks that work best for your preferences, budget, and building. 

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