Broken Window Repair Tips

Broken Window Repair Tips

18 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When a window suffers glass damage, repairing it will have to become a priority. Otherwise, the building may be at risk of suffering moisture damage, being more vulnerable to unwanted entry and reducing the efficiency of the home's heating and cooling systems.

Will The Window Frame Have To Be Replaced?

If the glass in your windows suffers damage, it can be easy to assume that the frame for the window will also have to be replaced. However, this is not always the case as it is possible for the glass to have suffered damage without impacting the structural integrity of the frame itself. This can allow for the window to be repaired by only replacing the damaged piece of glass, which can be far more affordable and quick than having to completely replace the window frame itself.

Is It Necessary To Replace A Window If The Glass Is Only Slightly Cracked Or Chipped?

While an individual may assume that small chips and cracks will require the entire pane of glass to be replaced. This can be an understandable assumption, but it is often faulty. When a pane of glass has suffered minor chipping or cracking, it is often possible for a glass repair contractor to patch this without needing to replace the entire pane of glass. However, the chips and cracks will have to be fairly small in order for patching to be an effective option. Larger cracks and chips can be far more difficult to repair using a patching system as they can be large enough that the patch will remain highly visible. Additionally, it may not even be possible to patch larger cracks and chips as the resin that is used during this process could fail.

Are There Options For Reducing The Risk Of Your Windows Cracking And Breaking?

There are some windows in your home that may simply be at a far greater risk of suffering significant cracks or shattering. For example, windows that face golf courses can be at an especially high risk of suffering this type of damage. Additionally, some windows may be at a greater risk of suffering damage from flying debris that gets disturbed when mowing the lawn. Luckily, it is possible to upgrade to shatter-resistant glass, which will be able to withstand far strong impacts so that breaking and cracking will be a less likely problem. While this type of glass will have a slightly higher cost, the added protection can be worth it for avoiding the risk of having to pay to have new windows installed in the future.

For more information, reach out to a window glass repair service in your area.

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It's About the Glass

This website, if you can't tell by the title, is all about glass. And here's the thing: there's more to know about glass than you might realize. How is glass made? How is it shaped and installed? What kind of glass should you use for the windows in your living room or kitchen? These are just a few of the questions you'll find answers to as you start exploring this website and learning more about glass. We have compiled this information to serve as a valuable resource for people like you, so we're pleased to know that you are here reading and learning.
