3 Signs Your Home Needs Window Replacement

3 Signs Your Home Needs Window Replacement

30 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Windows are both an aesthetic and functional installation in modern homes. After years of use and exposure to seasonal temperature changes, residential window replacement is sometimes necessary. Here are three signs your home needs window replacement.

Your Windows are Hard to Operate

Have you noticed that your windows don't open and shut as smoothly as they used to anymore? Several problems can lead to difficulties with operating your windows. Corroded window tracks are one of the most common causes of these issues.

Windows may also become stuck if they are painted over or if the frames become swollen with moisture. Residential window replacement can make it much more convenient to open your windows and let fresh air into your home. If your windows are becoming frustrating to operate, consider upgrading to new windows.

Your Windows Have Signs of Damage

Sometimes the signs of a damaged window are hard to ignore, while other times they can be more subtle. Cracked panes or broken window sills are sure signs that a window is underperforming. However, you may also have a problem if you notice condensation buildup inside your window. This issue could indicate that the insulating gas between your window panes has leaked out, and replacing them could drastically improve energy efficiency.

Your Energy Costs are Increasing

Tracking down the source of lost energy efficiency in your home can be tricky. When poorly insulated, windows can be one of the biggest sources of energy loss. Window glass is naturally absorbent to temperature, and you may be losing much of the heat from your furnace through your windows during the winter months. Patching drafty windows should always be a priority when you're looking to improve your home's efficiency.

A simple test can give you an idea about the efficiency of your windows. Place a hand on your windows and gauge their temperature. If the window is closer to the outdoor temperature than the indoor temperature, you're probably losing heat through that window. For example, if a window stays cold in the winter while your furnace is running, it's probably leaking heat outdoors.

Window replacement is a service that every homeowner is likely to need at least once. Instead of living with windows that are inefficient or hard to open, consider replacing your windows. A residential window replacement contractor such as Glass Magnum Inc can answer your questions and help you find the best windows for your house.

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